Privacy Policy - Your Right to be Informed
In line with the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulations 2018 please read and consider the following policy carefully.
I, Amanda Larcombe, trading as ‘Amanda Larcombe’, am registered with the Information Commissioners Office in relation to my work as a Coach, Counsellor/Psychotherapist and Supervisor. As such, the following policy explains the types of personal information I collect; how I handle it, keep it safe, use it and dispose of it.
This policy will be reviewed with you, my client, annually and you will be notified of any significant changes.
What personal information do I collect and hold?
In the course of setting up a contract to work together I will ask you to complete a Personal Record Sheet and a Contract: both will require you to share personal information. In support of our work together I may take some notes during our sessions and will routinely make brief notes after each session. In support of the professional development of Supervisees, I will produce personal reports as required e.g. Accreditation Applications and Renewals.
I will limit the use of text or email to administrative actions only e.g. making and rescheduling sessions. I DO NOT engage in the use of any form of Social Media or Twitter. I do have a Linkedin account which is used for professional purposes only and NOT in association with client work
What form is the information held?
Most personal information is kept on paper e.g. Personal Record Forms, Contracts, Session Notes. These are electronically produced forms which are then completed by hand. The only information produced electronically will be reports and references as requested by you, the client or your sponsor (organisation). These are produced using my personal computer/laptop: used and accessed ONLY by me. Please note: This computer does not form part of a network. The only other electronic information held will be that associated with the email and text administration of the ongoing contract.
Why do I collect this information and how is it used?
I collect this information to ensure that:
I have the information I need to provide you with a professional service
I can attend to my Duty of Care responsibilities to you as a client
I can effectively use the professional service of Supervision (Coaching & Therapeutic) in the service of our work together. Please note: when taking my client work to Supervision your personal details (full name, address, contact details) will NOT be shared and your anonymity will be maintained.
Where & how is it kept?
All paper records relating to you, as detailed above, will be held in a lockable cabinet in my Consultancy Room (located at: 7 High Acre Drive, Ivybridge, Plymouth, Devon, PL21 9UJ). These are only ever accessed by myself and will NEVER be shared with another party, unless you request it, your specific permission is sought and achieved, or they are required for legal purposes (when, if legally allowed to do so, I will ensure that you are given notice).
How long your personal information kept for?
I retain paper records for up to 3 years and electronic files for up to 1 year. Note: Where a paper version of an electronically produced report is printed, I will retain this for up to 3 years.
What happens to your personal information after the retention period?
I review and check through all my paper and electronic information annually. All paper records that have been retained for 3 years will be removed and professionally destroyed (shredded and burnt). Destruction Notices for each process are held on file. All electronic files e.g. documents and emails are permanently deleted from my laptop. All texts are permanently deleted from my phone.
Your right to access this information and how:
You can request to see ANY of the personal information that I hold in relation to our work together, at ANY time. You can ask me directly or by email ( If making this request by email, in order to protect the confidentiality of your information, I will ask you to verify your identity before proceeding. You have the right to request a copy of any information about you that I hold at any time, and to have that information corrected if it is inaccurate. Please note: I will routinely provide you with a copy of our contract together and will review your Personal Record with you at regular intervals to ensure accuracy of information.
Contacting the Regulator:
If you feel that your personal information has not been handled correctly, or you are unhappy with my response to any request you have made to me regarding the use of your personal information then you have a right to lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner’s Office: